AJC is an association for the rights of victims of domestic moral abuse.
AJC provides support to victims, their families, and professionals.
Our services are based on a multidisciplinary approach that addresses both legal and psychological aspects. We utilize techniques such as decoding, profiling, and risk assessment.
AJC collaborates with professionals from various fields related to moral violence and harassment, including psychology, law, and social work.
In addition to our support services, AJC conducts research, advocacy, and awareness campaigns.
We actively engages with the media to promote recognition of moral abuse and its proper management.
Our association is unique, the only one in France, providing comprehensive and innovative support for victims of domestic moral abuse.
Our goals
• Combat all forms of domestic abuse, with a particular focus on protecting women and children.
• Offer strategic and personal support to victims of domestic moral abuse.
• Enhance individual and collective awareness of moral abuse through research. This growing societal issue has significant familial, , social, psychological, and legal implications that need urgent attention.
• Foster
a society
based on gender equality , where the identity and dignity of both men and
women are
recognized and mutual respect is promoted.
Our "God Mother"
Ingrid Chauvin is committed to supporting AJC.
We are grateful for her valuable help!
To better identify and better support victims of domestic moral abuse, leading to a reduction in the incidence of such abuse
In France, the law enacted on July 9, 2010, recognized moral harassment and psychological abuse as criminal offenses, alongside certain forms of physical violence.
AJC is dedicated to defending the rights of children, women and men who have experienced domestic moral abuse.
Despite the legal advancements designed to protect them from moral harassment and psychological abuse, these victims still do not fully receive the recognition and support they deserve.
AJC actively advocates for these victims, working with legal institutions to ensure their rights are protected and their experiences are properly acknowledged. In May 2019, AJC was presented to the National Assembly's commission on violence against women, highlighting the importance of their mission and the ongoing need for better protection and support for victims of moral abuse.
The feeling of loneliness experienced by victims of psychological abuse is a major obstacle to breaking free from control.
Professional support from AJC empowers victims to assert their
rights, both personally and legally. It helps them a lot in their battle against their
aggressors and facilitates their personal growth, aligning with Jungian
individuation: the process of becoming one's true self, free, whole, and
connected to others.
AJC strives to transform society and increase awareness of this violence.
Our goal is to bring the invisible to light. Drawing on our research, we authored two reference books, with the first one being hailed as a 'survival guide' by L'Express magazine.
Both civil society and public authorities play a crucial role in identifying signs of psychological abuse within families.
The awareness campaigns implemented by AJC go beyond mere observation.
They provide an opportunity for these actors to alert the relevant authorities or offer assistance to victims of such moral abuse.
In 1998, Jean Claude, also known as 'Ji-cé,' committed suicide . He was 38 years old… His act was a final expression of his pain and despair. For years, he had been a victim of moral abuse within his relationship.
This tragic event raised questions, not only for the President and Founder of AJC, but also for others.
Therefore, she decided to establish an
association, AJC, to give a voice to victims and to gain recognition for the suffering
they endured.
The name quickly became evident: AJC, which stands, in French, not only for "À Ji-cé" but also for "Agir, devenir acteur, sujet de sa propre vie," which translates to "Act, become an actor, the subject of your own life. ".
Since its establishment in 1999, AJC has been advocating for the rights of victims of moral abuse in their
private lives , especially within familial
settings , providing support to both
women and men.
Initially focused solely on providing a listening service , AJC has significantly expanded and diversified its missions in response to the growing demand for support.
Our services include now individual
consultations, support groups for adults, children, and adolescents,
development of legal strategies, guidance through mentoring and workshops, and professional
training programs.

What is moral abuse ?
The AJC association has intentionally favoured the generic term MORAL ABUSE to emphasize a multi-faceted form of abuse, more insidious, more perverse, and more dangerous than physical blows because it leaves no visible trace!
Its destructiveness is amplified by the fact that it is nearly impossible to prove.
Psychological violence, manipulation, and harassment have commonalities; their differences lie in their execution. They remain difficult to identify due to these overlaps.
The generic term MORAL ABUSE is not a legal term in France; the only terms used in justice are psychological violence and harassment.
Manipulation is the subject of a law: the About-Picard Law, which only concerns victims of cults.
Attitudes and remarks that undermine a person's dignity.
Attitudes and remarks aimed at creating a state of inferiority and capitulation/submission.
Repeated and reiterated attitudes and remarks constituting an invasion of privacy.
Our publications
Drawing on its expertise and research, the AJC contributes to raising individual and collective awareness of what moral abuse is and to making the invisible visible through two reference works.
Everyday moral abuse
"I can't say it was a relationship, looking back, it wasn't : it was nothing! It was empty. It was empty. That time… there was nothing! Except for what he made me endure…"
Everyday MORAL ABUSE offers, through analysis, decoding, and especially through testimonies, advice and solutions on the care of victims.
Children at the Core of Domestic Abuse
Children are often overlooked in the battle against domestic abuse, despite being the undeniable collateral victims.
This second volume from AJC presents unique childhood tales that reflect life's varied experiences, segments of sorrow as well as joy, to highlight the destructive impact of moral abuse.
Tales that help to grow.
In 2017, thanks to the patronage of the EDF FOUNDATION and the donations from hundreds of people on KISS KISS BANK BANK, the association launched its awareness campaign during End Violence against Women Week:
Two animated films were created based on scripts from the AJC association to illustrate MORAL ABUSE.
charming ? Beware…
Firstly, an animated film that, through the talent of a young director, shows MORAL ABUSE at play within a couple.
The puppeteer
The second part of this awareness campaign highlights the manipulation of children in the context of MORAL ABUSE.